IEA welcomes the opportunity to support research and teaching in Latin America and beyond.
Through our online language services we reach around the globe. At our IEA headquarters, faculty and students from around the world come together to study what makes Argentina and Uruguay unique.

Students can study empirically how Argentina and Uruguay are trying to slash their carbon footprint by obtaining electricity from clean energy, building on biomass, wind, solar and hydroelectric power and attracting foreign investors lured either by credible long-term commitment by the state, innovative financing schemes or international guarantee mechanisms.
Identity and society in Uruguay

Students at IEA come to understand from multiple perspectives the identity of the Afrodescendants in Uruguay who constitute around 10% of the population and play an important role in the culture and national folklore through Tango and Candombe, which is part of UNESCO’s cultural heritage list.
Economics in Argentina

Argentina has one of the most unique economies in the world. Once one of the world’s richest economies, Argentina suffered a slow but steady decline and is now considered a frontier or emerging market at best. Cycles of inflation, public and private debt, state intervention and dependency on external factors have led to an economy that is a mecca for economists and historians.
Our story

The Instituto de Estudios Avanzados en América Latina (IEA Latin America), or the Institute for Advanced Studies in Latin America was established in early 2018 to provide high-quality, post-secondary educational programming for students and scholars from around the world. IEA Latin America builds on the success of Academia Buenos Aires and Academia Uruguay, which were founded in 2004 and 2007 respectively and are leaders in their field.
Our offices
Have a look at our centrally located headquarters in Montevideo and Buenos Aires:
Here is what some of our past program directors and students have to say about us.

Linda Å.
Former student, Sweden
“Tomé clases en español en Academia durante casi cuatro meses y realmente cambió mi vida. Ahora trabajo en una organización que protege los derechos de niños que se llama Plan International! […] trabajo con por ejemplo Colombia, Guatemala, Bolivia y Nicaragua! Soy grants controller […] Sin toda la ayuda y el esfuerzo de Academia no hubiera entendido tanto como ahora. Estoy muy agradecida …”

Maria Lopez
Learning officer, World Bank
“Academia Buenos Aires has hosted World Bank staff for a number of years on immersion programs in Argentina and we keep choosing it due to their professionalism and excellent service. […] Academia helps students with all the logistics related to immersion programs such as lodging, extracurricular activities, airport pick-up, etc., making the immersion experience hassle-free and enjoyable.”

Judith Anderson, Ph.D.
Center for Ethnic Studies at CUNY
“Having traveled to Argentina for the past decade as a researcher, I created a very demanding curriculum and itinerary all of which they were able to bring to life while exceeding my expectations. Every day of programming was enriching and enjoyable […] On the administrative side, my college found the institution to be extremely well organized and transactions were easy and quick.”
IEA Latin America hosts education abroad programs and as needed, provides comprehensive programming support.
The legal entity behind IEA Latin America is Barcelona Dibarboure Juan Martín y Hoeser Utz Friedrich Sociedad de Hecho, RUT 215921500018.