Seminarios de desarrollo profesional
IEA Faculty Development Seminars provide faculty and administrators from around the world with access to the best of Latin America. Each Seminar is organized around a central theme and designed to engage participants in an in-depth exploration of a contemporary issue driving Latin America. Through invited lectures by local experts, visits to important cultural institutions, community-based learning opportunities, and more, participants will explore innovative approaches to learning and problem-solving that can in turn enhance syllabi, internationalize curricula, and increase global understanding on campus. IEA will cover most expenses related to local transportation, accommodation, and meals. International travel and related expenses are not included.
Faculty and staff are invited to apply for the 2019 IEA Faculty Development Seminar, The Risk of Doing Business in Emerging Markets: The Case of Argentina. Held May 26-30, 2019, the Seminar will include discussions with key industry and political leaders, visits to important financial institutions, and a comparative field study excursion to Uruguay. More details available at,